Worldwork 2008 Masthead

Worldwork Glossary

Definitions of Worldwork Terms listed in black and terms related to Worldwork, listed in grey.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


is a small and large group Process Work method that uses Deep Democracy to address the issues of groups and organizations of all kinds. To resolve reality problems and enrich community experience, Worldwork methods focus on finding and employing the power of an organization’s or city’s dreamlike background (e.g. projections, gossip, roles, and creative fantasy). Worldwork facilitators listen to the land, do Inner work, practice outer communication skills involving role consciousness, signal and rank awareness to enrich organizational life. Worldwork  has been successfully applied to the analysis of, and work with multicultural, multileveled, Aboriginal communities, universities, small and large international organizations, city hot spots and world conflict zones.

This information has been prepared by staff and is from various sources, including previous Worldwork handouts and the website of A & A Mindell. 

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